Saturday, February 28, 2009

Thicker than blood

Someone quite rightly said that you don’t get to choose your relatives but then you do get to choose your friends.. I guess that God just let us choose the best! I’m not sure how many have been lucky with friends but I should say that I am one fortunate person who has been surrounded by so many loved ones at times when I needed them most that today I feel I can easily attribute a lot of what I am to them..

There are times when you feel like you should be left alone and you are surrounded by ‘them’ and they don’t let you to sit and think, you just wish that they’d just all disappear so that you could sit in corner and lick your wounds in private, but then on a later day you realise that your friends had actually tried to take your mind away from the problem, had tried to fill your thoughts with a little bit of sunshine so that they could see the smile back up on your face..

There are times when you’ve just wanted to talk and felt that the world was not treating you fairly. You just needed to tell someone that ‘It is not just fair!’ as though you’d just discovered the secret of living and then you dial the number of an old friend and pour it all out.

I’m glad there are friends, God knows how dreary life would have been without them.. So let’s toast a drink to them!! Cheers Amigos!

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