Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Random pickings of a sleepy mind

You’ve been thinking of the perfect way to start a conversation or have been struggling with a quick comeback to something your friend or colleague had said or it’s just that you wanted a perfect opening to the next blog or article you wanted to write and all this eluded your grasp at that particular time no matter how hard you tried.

Now let’s fast forward to the time when you hit your head on the pillow and are ready to call it a night. Just when you’ve closed your eyes and have gone through what’s happened during the day and are almost drifting off to sleepy land the unimaginable happens. The answer to your conversation starter, smart comeback or perfect opening creep up on you.

And without a thought as to why it’s coming in now you go on to place your mind at that thoughts disposal, weaving lines and words into beautiful order, so much so that it kind of feels like it is running into a beautiful commentary. You always wonder at some point as to how articulate you are and feel proud that you could produce a work like this, forgetting that it is just a work of fiction, and in more ways than one.

There have been days, or rather nights to be precise, where I have had deep arguments and conversations with people who I’ve wanted to give a piece of my mind or written a beautiful piece in those minutes when I was just slipping into dream land and then to be lost forever when I wake up the next day.

I sometimes wonder if these would resurface again and if the logic and points I had raised in my thoughts during those moments would come to my aide if I were in a similar situation some time later. But I’m never sure how that works or if once the thoughts are formed they are lost somewhere in the echelons of the mind buried within other data never to see the light of day or pen again.

Talking of pens, I’ve often thought of keeping a pen and paper at my bedside table to help jot down the points, but hey I’m too lazy to wake and put those thoughts to paper. Who knows when I wake up mayhap I lose the plot all together. So I’ll just stick on to enjoy that moment when I can and not sweat too much about how I could use it for my benefit. 

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