Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Remember that conversation,
Of which you weren't really a part,
Cos twas between some others,
But you had no choice but to hear along?

Twas one such overheard conversation,
Between two pals who journeyed along,
A couple of seats away from me,
On a day not so long.

They were both young and exuberant,
Wanting to take the world by storm,
Both of them had high aspirations,
And dreams to have it all.

They spoke of their plans for the future,
Of grandeur days ahead,
The way their career would progress,
And mansions they would build.

Even as they conversed amongst them, 
I wondered how they'd both,
Face the challenges thrown their way,
How they'd play the game of life set ahead for them.

I glanced out the window deep in my thoughts,
And saw below the fluffy clouds, 
Beyond the rays that caught my eye,
The mansions and dotted landscape of flats,
All look like Legos scattered from the sky!

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